Phase 5 expands the tracks to have two corners, one in each direction so the track shape can be called a Zigzag. We typically do two tracks per session, and two session of natural field tracks followed by two session of sports field tracks, repeating that sequence several times to give our dog lots of experience handling corners in all wind directions. Since I started Gretzky in this phase before I completed two of the parking lot curbed-island serpentine sessions, I will interleave them in as I am able so he gets the complete curriculum.
Gretzky Session 5.1 11/14/17 South Pasture (cows had been off 2 weeks). Gretzky 7 1/2 months old. 2-3 hot dogs per leg.
5.1.1 Natural Field Zigzag. First & third leg upwind 10-15. Gretzky did great, staying on track or returning to it with confidence. Distracted several times by coyote pee and poop but reasonable return to the track. Good search and commitment on first corner even though there was a coyote track there. Coyote pee distracted him on second corner. Needed to move up to get him to leave it and return to track.
5.1.2 Natural field Zigzag. First and third legs downwind. First leg traverses a slope. Gretzky impressive again. On first leg, he stays quite close to the track with just a few short deviations. On the first corner he heads for the downwind fringe and I stay put. He gives up and goes a good search before coming back to the corner and stepping out the new leg. On second leg he deviated mid leg to sniff coyote poop which he kept wanting to return to. But back to the track for a good second corner and last leg in spite of a coyote poop nearby.
5.1.1 Natural Field Zigzag. First & third leg upwind 10-15. Gretzky did great, staying on track or returning to it with confidence. Distracted several times by coyote pee and poop but reasonable return to the track. Good search and commitment on first corner even though there was a coyote track there. Coyote pee distracted him on second corner. Needed to move up to get him to leave it and return to track.
5.1.2 Natural field Zigzag. First and third legs downwind. First leg traverses a slope. Gretzky impressive again. On first leg, he stays quite close to the track with just a few short deviations. On the first corner he heads for the downwind fringe and I stay put. He gives up and goes a good search before coming back to the corner and stepping out the new leg. On second leg he deviated mid leg to sniff coyote poop which he kept wanting to return to. But back to the track for a good second corner and last leg in spite of a coyote poop nearby.
5.1 Track 1 Zigzag. | 5.1 Track 2 Zigzag |
5.2 11/16/17 Natural Field Zigzags. Middle Pasture. Gretzky 7 1/2 months old. 2-3 hot dogs per leg
5.2.1 Natural Field Zigzag. All three legs quartering down wind. Gretzky did great. Staying close to track mostly on his own, and returning to the track after a deviation or distraction. Quicker to respond to leaving the coyote poop .
5.2.2 Natural Field Zigzag. First and third legs quarterly upwind. Second leg upwind. The great one again.
5.2.1 Natural Field Zigzag. All three legs quartering down wind. Gretzky did great. Staying close to track mostly on his own, and returning to the track after a deviation or distraction. Quicker to respond to leaving the coyote poop .
5.2.2 Natural Field Zigzag. First and third legs quarterly upwind. Second leg upwind. The great one again.
5.2 Track 1 Natural Field Zigzag. | 5.2 Track 2 Natural Field Zigzag. |
5.3 Sports Field Zigzags. 11/17/2017. Skagit River Park. I did two tracks instead of just one since I did not have an intentional contamination layer. Several places of natural contamination along both tracks.
5.3.1 Sports Field Zigzag Track 1. Good loss of track and search on first corner. Nice commitment on second leg and good article recognition. An off-lead dog was on the dike at the edge of the field running quite fast which distracted Gretzky a little but he went right to work and nailed the next corner.
5.3.2 Sports Field Zigzag Track 2. Confident start. Focused, stays close to track, detailed oriented. Likes his freeze-dried lamb lung treats. Some over-marking (he is just maturing). Distracted by coyote poop on the field by the track, goes back to the track when asked. Wants to fringe the last leg about 2-4 feet, constrained lightly.
5.3.1 Sports Field Zigzag Track 1. Good loss of track and search on first corner. Nice commitment on second leg and good article recognition. An off-lead dog was on the dike at the edge of the field running quite fast which distracted Gretzky a little but he went right to work and nailed the next corner.
5.3.2 Sports Field Zigzag Track 2. Confident start. Focused, stays close to track, detailed oriented. Likes his freeze-dried lamb lung treats. Some over-marking (he is just maturing). Distracted by coyote poop on the field by the track, goes back to the track when asked. Wants to fringe the last leg about 2-4 feet, constrained lightly.
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5.5 Natural Field Zigzags 11/20/2017. Bow Sherriff's Field. Raining while I laid them with 3-5 mph wind but both stopped and it was sunny and 0-1 calm while we ran it. When watching the videos, look for the landmarks the tracklayer used to practice keeping yourself oriented.
5.5.1 Natural Field Zigzag Track 1. Gretzky is confident and I start to fall back on the line to 20+ feet. He notices corner flags and immediately looks for new leg - perhaps I am going to have to put straws on the corner flags. I am starting to make the "corner communications" more pronounced and Gretzky notices and looks back at me.
5.5.2 Natural Field Zigzag Track 2. This one I laid with an open second corner so I would cross a dirt two-track perpendicularly. It turns out there was a big puddle to the right of the crossing and duck feathers and innards to the left of the crossing, so it was more of an obstacle than I expected. I helped him refocus on the track on the other side and just 30 yards to the glove. At the start, a train and a minor pathway are distracting but he overcomes them. On both corners of this track, he has to search more than he did on the first track. Notice on the second leg how he falls into the grass tire-tracks that cross the good track at a shallow angle. But as he slowly diverges from the track, he corrects himself.
5.5.1 Natural Field Zigzag Track 1. Gretzky is confident and I start to fall back on the line to 20+ feet. He notices corner flags and immediately looks for new leg - perhaps I am going to have to put straws on the corner flags. I am starting to make the "corner communications" more pronounced and Gretzky notices and looks back at me.
5.5.2 Natural Field Zigzag Track 2. This one I laid with an open second corner so I would cross a dirt two-track perpendicularly. It turns out there was a big puddle to the right of the crossing and duck feathers and innards to the left of the crossing, so it was more of an obstacle than I expected. I helped him refocus on the track on the other side and just 30 yards to the glove. At the start, a train and a minor pathway are distracting but he overcomes them. On both corners of this track, he has to search more than he did on the first track. Notice on the second leg how he falls into the grass tire-tracks that cross the good track at a shallow angle. But as he slowly diverges from the track, he corrects himself.
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5.7 Urban Sports Field Contaminated Zigzag. 11/21/2017. Rain, wind. Tracklayer Barbara. Contamination layer Sil. This is the first intentional contamination track Gretzky has had - I appear to have missed putting in contamination in Phase 1 where it is normally introduced. He responded well to slight additional tension and left the intentional contamination where he did notice it. He also noticed a fair amount of natural contamination - something he has considerable experience with. Note that this track tales 12 minutes to complete while yesterday's longer zigzags in the field took only 8 minutes. More handler patience is almost always required in urban sites.
5.7.1 Contaminated Zigzag. He starts well locating the track and committing with confidence before noticing some natural contamination and a barking dog across the street. A little restraint helps him refocus on the good track. This happens several places along the track, both for the intentional contamination and the natural contamination. He does like his crunchy freeze-dried lamb-lung treats. He handles the first corner easily but works well to the left (downwind) side of the second leg but comes up to the track for the treats and the article. The second corner requires more searching as the win picks up more - he takes several passes around before he finds the good leg 3 - the tracklayer is a suspicious character lurking behind me as a distraction. But then he settles down to the final leg.
5.7.1 Contaminated Zigzag. He starts well locating the track and committing with confidence before noticing some natural contamination and a barking dog across the street. A little restraint helps him refocus on the good track. This happens several places along the track, both for the intentional contamination and the natural contamination. He does like his crunchy freeze-dried lamb-lung treats. He handles the first corner easily but works well to the left (downwind) side of the second leg but comes up to the track for the treats and the article. The second corner requires more searching as the win picks up more - he takes several passes around before he finds the good leg 3 - the tracklayer is a suspicious character lurking behind me as a distraction. But then he settles down to the final leg.
Session 5.6 & 5.9 Natural Field Zigzags
Session 5.6 Natural Field Zigzags. Last Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), while I was aging Twizzle's VST track, I was able to give Gretzky Session 5.6 which is two Zigzag tracks with the corners and end marked. They can be laid without regard for the wind. They are supposed to be 15 minutes old with one or two treats along the track but it is fairly common for it to take more than 15 minutes to lay the tracks yourself, get back to your car to pick up the dog, and get started. I also tend to be using 2-3 treats along each leg instead of the specified 1-2.
Gretzky started out confidently and stayed close to the track but slightly downwind. He noticed some probably old contamination crosstracks but handled them by himself. When he came up to the first corner, he stopped at the flag and then changed his behavior, entering a search mode which first circled left and then came back to the corner and he proceeded to pick up the new leg with confidence. At the second corner, he again stopped at the flag, noticed it, then nosed the ground, and noticed the new leg beneath him, so be flip around and followed it with confidence. The second track's two corners had him stop, nose the ground and find the track within a few feet of the corner and commit to the new leg with confidence.
Session 5.9 Natural Field Zigzags. This Thursday was our first opportunity to track again and I wanted to introduce Gretzky to unmarked corners. I did that by noting the triangulation landmarks for each corner carefully and placing two flags in the middle of the second leg. So after making the first corner, I went 30 yards to a treat, then 5 more to a flag, then 5 more to a second flag, then 10 more to another treat and then continued on for the full length of the second leg. That way, at the first corner, I'd be able to look over and see the two mid-second leg flags lined up and verify I was in the right place. At the second corner, I'd have the end flag which is some 10 steps past the article and the landmark I had been heading for on the third leg.
I choose a rough textured (lumpy & muddy) pasture although the cows had been off the pasture for a month. Gretzky started out nicely but not quite as confidently as he had the week before (5.6). He stayed close to the downwind side of the first leg, noticed 2-3 places which seemed to have contamination, and got in the area of the first turn and immediately stopped when he was 1-2 steps past the corner, looked around, put his nose down and did a nice small circle of a few feet in diameter to find the new leg and committed with confidence. When he passed the two mid-leg flags, he looked at them briefly but went on. The second corner was similar to the first. On the second track, he handled the first corner right at the corner and at the second, he circled out to the left (wrong way) before circling around behind me and eventually going up to the new leg and committing.
All and all, Gretzky is doing great. I think I will continue to keep the flags away from the corner to build his understanding in this nice simple tracks. I also have several sports-field zigzag sessions to catch-up before we can proceed on to the next phase.
No videos for these sessions, which is a shame.
Session 5.6 Natural Field Zigzags. Last Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), while I was aging Twizzle's VST track, I was able to give Gretzky Session 5.6 which is two Zigzag tracks with the corners and end marked. They can be laid without regard for the wind. They are supposed to be 15 minutes old with one or two treats along the track but it is fairly common for it to take more than 15 minutes to lay the tracks yourself, get back to your car to pick up the dog, and get started. I also tend to be using 2-3 treats along each leg instead of the specified 1-2.
Gretzky started out confidently and stayed close to the track but slightly downwind. He noticed some probably old contamination crosstracks but handled them by himself. When he came up to the first corner, he stopped at the flag and then changed his behavior, entering a search mode which first circled left and then came back to the corner and he proceeded to pick up the new leg with confidence. At the second corner, he again stopped at the flag, noticed it, then nosed the ground, and noticed the new leg beneath him, so be flip around and followed it with confidence. The second track's two corners had him stop, nose the ground and find the track within a few feet of the corner and commit to the new leg with confidence.
Session 5.9 Natural Field Zigzags. This Thursday was our first opportunity to track again and I wanted to introduce Gretzky to unmarked corners. I did that by noting the triangulation landmarks for each corner carefully and placing two flags in the middle of the second leg. So after making the first corner, I went 30 yards to a treat, then 5 more to a flag, then 5 more to a second flag, then 10 more to another treat and then continued on for the full length of the second leg. That way, at the first corner, I'd be able to look over and see the two mid-second leg flags lined up and verify I was in the right place. At the second corner, I'd have the end flag which is some 10 steps past the article and the landmark I had been heading for on the third leg.
I choose a rough textured (lumpy & muddy) pasture although the cows had been off the pasture for a month. Gretzky started out nicely but not quite as confidently as he had the week before (5.6). He stayed close to the downwind side of the first leg, noticed 2-3 places which seemed to have contamination, and got in the area of the first turn and immediately stopped when he was 1-2 steps past the corner, looked around, put his nose down and did a nice small circle of a few feet in diameter to find the new leg and committed with confidence. When he passed the two mid-leg flags, he looked at them briefly but went on. The second corner was similar to the first. On the second track, he handled the first corner right at the corner and at the second, he circled out to the left (wrong way) before circling around behind me and eventually going up to the new leg and committing.
All and all, Gretzky is doing great. I think I will continue to keep the flags away from the corner to build his understanding in this nice simple tracks. I also have several sports-field zigzag sessions to catch-up before we can proceed on to the next phase.
No videos for these sessions, which is a shame.
Session 5.10 Natural Field Zigzags
Again like last session, I laid two zigzag tracks with no flags on the corners but flags on the second leg (a flag at 40 and another at 50) so I could look up once Gretzky committed and confirm he was right. Weather was partially cloudy, fairly cold, with a very slight wind from left-to-right across the first leg of the first track. I tried using some new full-fingered gloves and my handling suffered because the line did not slip through my fingers as I like. I forgot to push the camera start at the second track, so video only of the first.
Track 5.10.1 Natural Field Zigzag. Gretzky started nicely with clear commitment in a close-to-the-track but plodding style. He was distracted by some coyote pee-posts on the first leg and by three white dogs walking along the road while he was on the second leg. He did get fairly distracted particularly by the dogs in the distance but went back to work nicely for both distractions. He handled both the corners nicely, clearing showing change-in-scent behavior near the corner, searching quickly to find the new leg, and committing with confidence.
Track 5.10.2 Natural Field Zigzag. This track was laid uphill with the corners on more exposed slopes with shorter vegetation covering it. Gretzky handled the corners very nicely. He did try to go about 30 feet off the track to visit a pee-post, but I stopped him and he returned to the track efficiently.
Again like last session, I laid two zigzag tracks with no flags on the corners but flags on the second leg (a flag at 40 and another at 50) so I could look up once Gretzky committed and confirm he was right. Weather was partially cloudy, fairly cold, with a very slight wind from left-to-right across the first leg of the first track. I tried using some new full-fingered gloves and my handling suffered because the line did not slip through my fingers as I like. I forgot to push the camera start at the second track, so video only of the first.
Track 5.10.1 Natural Field Zigzag. Gretzky started nicely with clear commitment in a close-to-the-track but plodding style. He was distracted by some coyote pee-posts on the first leg and by three white dogs walking along the road while he was on the second leg. He did get fairly distracted particularly by the dogs in the distance but went back to work nicely for both distractions. He handled both the corners nicely, clearing showing change-in-scent behavior near the corner, searching quickly to find the new leg, and committing with confidence.
Track 5.10.2 Natural Field Zigzag. This track was laid uphill with the corners on more exposed slopes with shorter vegetation covering it. Gretzky handled the corners very nicely. He did try to go about 30 feet off the track to visit a pee-post, but I stopped him and he returned to the track efficiently.
5.11 Urban Lawn Contaminated Zigzag.
Deb laid this zigzag and Marjorie contaminated it twice on the first leg, once on the second, and twice on the third. Deb also took the video. Notice that there are no flags on the corners; there are flags at about 30 and 50 on the second leg so I know where it is. This is because it looks like Gretzky was using the flags to cue the corner search; but he has had no problem with noticing the change in scent at the corners since the flags were moved.
He notices the first contamination at timestamp 1:12 in the video and quickly returns to the track. He enjoys his tiny treats on the track as they appear. At the first corner, he quickly goes back and forth - scampering to the right before looping over to the left and finding the new leg. Notice I let a lot of line out before asking if this is the right track and following him. He works out the second corner very nicely with no scampering about. He did not obviously notice other contamination crossings except maybe about 10 yards before the glove.
Deb laid this zigzag and Marjorie contaminated it twice on the first leg, once on the second, and twice on the third. Deb also took the video. Notice that there are no flags on the corners; there are flags at about 30 and 50 on the second leg so I know where it is. This is because it looks like Gretzky was using the flags to cue the corner search; but he has had no problem with noticing the change in scent at the corners since the flags were moved.
He notices the first contamination at timestamp 1:12 in the video and quickly returns to the track. He enjoys his tiny treats on the track as they appear. At the first corner, he quickly goes back and forth - scampering to the right before looping over to the left and finding the new leg. Notice I let a lot of line out before asking if this is the right track and following him. He works out the second corner very nicely with no scampering about. He did not obviously notice other contamination crossings except maybe about 10 yards before the glove.
Note that Gretzky did all the Urban Lawn Contaminated Zigzag sessions even though I have not recorded them in this blog. Most were on naturally contaminated sports fields with people and/or dogs moving around near the track as added visual distractions. One other had intentional contamination but I was sloppy and laid the contamination in the more advanced way where it slices or bisects the corners. Since in this phase and the next I want the dog to fully learn to handle corners, contaminating the corners just adds unnecessary and inappropriate confusion to that learning. Gretzky handled it well although he tried to take the contamination at both corners more than once but did finally find the new leg and commit to the right track.
Comments are welcome on Facebook's Modern Enthusiastic Tracking Group